Hi DF,
I was a study, just like you, back in 1998. Just like you, I 'thought' I had done my research and found God's organization. I had somehow convinced myself that i was happy and that I was doing the right thing.
Truth Is, I never looked at anything else beyond WTS literature. I just took their side and believed their quotes and never thought that any sincere religious group such as this could be so Orwellian. When I actually DID look at REAL opposing views (the ones the society DOESN'T present to you) I was outta there within a week. Never looked back. If you get the chance, read some of AlanF's works regarding the WTS. He and many others have written some very powerful pieces exposing the Watchtower. Even now, 3 years later I'm still shocked by some of the things I read.
How do you know I'm telling the truth? You don't. That's why you need to do your own research. In addition to the books by Ray Franz, I suggest going to
. http:\\www.geocities.com/osarsif
and reading through some of the material there. If you do not believe that the society actually wrote what has been attributed to them, many here have the source material and could make it available to you.
Good luck and Happy hunting,